Thursday, September 03, 2009

Choosing a natural apporach vs. prescription drugs

Instead of reaching for a prescription how about trying some natural remedies that will not have the crazy side effects that drugs can have. Instead of Zoloft what about St. Johns wort. Calm yourself with Valerian instead of Valium. Also drinking tension tamer tea has been found to be a great help in calming the nerves after a stressful day. Ginger has a soothing effect on the stomach while Dramamine can cause you to become drowsy and miss out on your day. P.M.S. symptoms and hot flashes can be eliminated with Black Cohosh and Evening Primrose. Rather than taking Zyrtec or Allegra which both have a long list of side effects try butter bur or bee pollen to help build immunities toward hay fever. Celebrex has had more negative press than any other arthritis medicine yet it is still on the market. Why not try turmeric or ground flax seed to help with the joint pain. And for high cholesterol try artichoke extract instead of Lipitor which has been a big culprit in causing joint pain in patience. Also taking fish oil and garlic have been shown in studies to lower cholesterol. It does take longer to see improvement but given the right dose(you will know what that is as you experiment and pray for wisdom) and proper eating habits many have been able to successfully reduce or even eliminate their prescription drugs. In these days of high cost health care the more you can do for your body naturally the further ahead you will be financially down the road. It is worth the time and effort.

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