Wednesday, September 10, 2008


There seems to be two groups of people today- the ones who go to great lengths to protect themselves from the toxic world we live in and the ones who say “something is going to get me so I’ll just live for today and hey whatever!” What if you could bring a balance to those mindsets and live in the wisdom the Lord has called us to? What if doing some simple detox’s could keep our system balanced and help us to stay more alert, level our moods and ward off the bugs that tend to infiltrate our work space and homes? Research bentonite clay- it comes in many forms and is called the ant of detoxification. It can carry out 100x its weight in toxins. In my recent studies on nutrition I have found heavy metals, which are coming at us from many different directions, are wreaking havoc with our cells. Since all disease is cellular malfunction, only when our cells are compromised does our immune system go down. As good stewards of our body and mind, let’s do all we can as the Lord gives wisdom and understanding to keep our bodies running at optimal performance!

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