Monday, April 21, 2008

Water is Essential

Our bodies are made up of 32 to 42 quarts of water.

Fluids such as soda, coffee, or alcohol tend to dehydrate the body. When we drink these, we compromise our systems which need good fluids to do their jobs efficiently.

For example, the lymphatic carries white blood cells that fight disease and germs that get into the body. It cannot do its job properly if it is robbed of much-needed fluids.

We need to consume at least 64 ounces of water per day to keep our systems operating at peak performance.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Binge Eating

I had to learn what triggered binge eating for me.

At my highest weight of 186, I could consume a box of Ding Dongs and three or four Pepsi Colas in nothing flat. I craved it. I was hypoglycemic. Simply put, I had too much insulin so I felt the effects of low blood sugar crisis. Feeling weak and anxious, or having a headache, I would reach for a quick fix of processed junk foods which can provide an almost euphoric feeling, but which throws the body into unhealthy cycles.

For me, consuming a green drink leveled out my insulin so I controlled the hunger and cravings instead of them controlling me. Then I was able make wise choices for meals and snacks.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Fats are a huge controversy in our culture today.

In our stores, the shelves are inundated with low-fat, no-fat alternatives – yet people battle more than ever with weight gain. Why? Read labels. Regular sour cream for example contains about 3 ingredients, all of which are natural. Low fat has about 12-15 ingredients. No fat can have more than 20!

Low fat foods contain more sugar than the regular version. They add extra sugar to replace the good taste that fat offers. The problem is that eating excess carbohydrates, especially the wrong kinds, stimulates the body’s fat storage.