Friday, December 12, 2008

Finding the right vitamin

So many have asked "how can I find the right vitamin for my family", and I can tell you that is difficult as there are so many products out there to choose from. It is vital that you read the labels just as we have to do in buying our foods. We must find out what their sources are so that we are taking in real vs. synthetic or man made. Our systems have a whole new fight on their hands when we take in synthetic vitamins. The liver especially has to work overtime to assimilate and to break it down to be used on the cellular level. There are some great liquid vitamins out there that won't break your budget and they are easier for the children to get down and of course the liquid form is more readily available for cellular use. Check out some of the web sites and see what you can do to help you and your family to make it through the cold and flu season without the usual down time.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Dangers of artificial sweetners

We have discussed on a regular basis the importance of eating whole natural foods. So many times we forget that these sweeteners are not in any way natural despite the advertising ploys. It is so very important to thoroughly research any man made food before adding it to our diet. Back in the day margarine was touted to be better than butter, we have since learned that the process that margarine goes through called hydrogenation has cause a myriad of problems and is being blamed for the tremendous number of bi-pass surgeries that are being done today. Consuming what is God made versus man made is always the wisest choice. Splenda and nutra-sweet have a long list of side affects that need to be considered. The best bet is to use raw sugar in moderation and disciplining ourselves to take one good homemade treat and really stop to enjoy the experience.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Vaccines and autism

We have heard a lot about autism in the news and talk shows all over the country. It is a hot topic! The numbers are an alarming 1 in 150 children becoming autistic! As parents we need to make informed decisions for ourselves and our children. That can be very difficult if we do not have a balanced view of each side. Here is a letter that was emailed to me and it is worth the time to read and consider what your options are. Most of all we need to pray and seek God's wisdom in our day to day decisions. Here is some food for thought!

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DOJuly 9, Vaccinating children has become sacrosanct in our culture. Doctors and government officials insist that vaccines are safe, and parents are pressured into compliance. In fact, parents have been reported to social services by doctors who consider not vaccinating to be a form of medical neglect or child abuse. Legislators across the country are attempting to pass laws in which parents will have no rights to refuse what is injected into their children. The inconsistency of rules involving the care of children is striking. Mothers are in complete control of their child's health while in the womb. They make choices against eating tuna, taking medications, smoking cigarettes and avoiding alcohol. Mothers may choose to even terminate the pregnancy. But the moment the baby arrives, control over their child's body is forcibly surrendered to healthcare providers and the government. The leg is jabbed with shots, eyes are gooped with antibiotic ointment and the heel is poked to get a drop of DNA-containing blood. With the passage of the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, signed into law April 24, 2008, the blood will be collected and warehoused for scientific research.[1] Parents have little or no say in any of these events. (see my previous article, 'Who Owns Your Child?')Vaccination is promoted by an industry that capitalizes on fear and the perceived necessity of the procedure has become multi-generationally entrenched. We have been programmed by the medical community and the media to believe that everyone – children and adults -- will become sick, and likely die, unless they are vaccinated. This explains why not vaccinating can be unfathomable to new parents who are unreasonably terrified of what were considered normal childhood illnesses only a few decades ago. The majority adults over 50 years of age remember having measles and the chickenpox. Both were mostly mild diseases, lasting seven to fourteen days, and leaving behind lifetime immunity. And even though chickenpox is rarely fatal, most parents opt to vaccinate. Merck & Co. estimated that as of December 31, 2007, 80 to 85 percent of all four to six-year-olds had received two doses of Varivax®, at one year and a booster before school.[2] With little attention on the problems with the chickenpox vaccine cited in the media, most don't realize that it can cause harm. Research shows that nearly 1 in 5,000 children who receive the chickenpox inoculation develop shingles within ten years of being vaccinated. Shingles, an intensely painful, blistering rash, is most commonly seen in the elderly or the chronically ill. It was rarely, if ever, seen in healthy children before the introduction of this vaccine. Other serious side effects, such as seizures, pneumonia, and anaphylaxis (a severe allergic reaction), have been reported as a result of Varivax. Before it became available, about 50 children died every year from rare or unusual complications of the chickenpox. Put in perspective, 53 children died in drowning accidents in the [U.S.] state of Georgia in 1999. Vaccination has been cited as one of the ten greatest public health achievements of the 20th century. However, it doesn't require an advanced degree in science to grasp that the public health accolades, celebrating high vaccination rates and low infection rates, have lead to serious health consequences across the globe. Vaccine ingredients seem to be playing a substantial role.Problems With Vaccine IngredientsGelatin, one of many ingredients in vaccines, is known to cause allergies and asthma. Allergies are now the most frequently reported chronic condition in children, limiting activities in four out of 10 children. Asthma, the second most common chronic childhood disease, affects more than one child in 20. The combined healthcare costs of asthma and allergies have soared to more than $25 billion/year.[3] Vaccines that contain gelatin include chickenpox, MMR, Boostrix (teen pertussis booster), Tripedia (DTaP) and the adult shingles vaccine, Zostrix. Vaccine gelatin may be contributing substantially to the skyrocketing incidence of, and expenditures on, asthma and allergies. Another vaccine additive, formaldehyde, can interrupt the normal function of the immune system. A colorless, pungent-smelling gas, formaldehyde can cause watery eyes, burning sensations in the eyes and throat, nausea, difficulty in breathing and asthma attacks when exposed to amounts as small as 0.1 parts per million. It is listed as a hazardous chemical on eight federal regulatory lists and considered to be one of the ten worst compounds on the ecosystem and health. Between 10 and 20 percent of general population has a reaction coming in contact with formaldehyde. Topical exposure can cause a mild reaction, such as dry skin and redness. The California Indoor Air Quality Fact Sheet states there is no known threshold level below which cancer risk does not exist.[4] The World Health Association (WHO) recommends that an exposure should not exceed 0.05 ppm or 0.05 mg/kg. So, for 12 pound baby (about 5kg), the maximum exposure should be below 0.25 mg. But with the current schedule, children receive more than ten times that amount, more than 3.5 mg, if they receive every mandated vaccine. Vaccines that contain formaldehyde include DTaP, polio, influenza, hepatitis A and hepatitis B.Thankfully, mercury (in the form of thimerosal) has been removed from most vaccines. However, measurable amounts are still found in multi-vial flu shots, tetanus boosters, Energix-B (hepatitis B vaccine), Menomune (college meningitis vaccine), TriHiBit and Tripedia (both DTaP vaccines), and Twinrix (a combination hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine). Trace amounts remain in many more. Countless children have developed autism and there is strong evidence that their brains were injured by the preservative thimerosal. Follow the MoneyPositioned as a loss leader, vaccines appear to be the economic drivers of both the medical and the pharmaceutical industry. A loss leader is a business technique in which a less-expensive product is sold or given away for the sake of offering another product at a greater profit. This common practice is utilized to introduce new customers to a product, to build a new customer base and/or to secure future recurring revenue. Using a loss leader is more than just a nifty business trick - it can be a very successful economic strategy when executed properly. The classic example of a loss leader is the sale of razor blades. Companies like Gillette essentially give their razor units away for free, knowing that customers will buy their replacement blades, where the company makes all of its profit, for as long as they use the razor. Vaccines play a similar role for the drug companies. The cost of a vaccine is relatively inexpensive compared to the billions of dollars spent on medical interventions, medications—and even more vaccines—dispensed as a result of a vaccination side effect. Consider this example: the potential consequences of an inoculation with one of the two newly approved vaccines to prevent a rotavirus diarrheal infection, RotaTeq® and Rotarix®. Side effects listed on the package insert for RotaTeq include diarrhea, vomiting, irritability, fever, wheezing and coughing. RotaTeq has also been associated with bloody stools, a warning sign of a serious complication called an intussusception. Triggered by the vaccine, intussusception is an event where a portion of the bowel slides into the next, much like the pieces of a telescope, causing an obstruction. Swelling, inflammation, and decreased blood flow to the fragile lining of the bowel cause the intestine to die. Between February 3, 2006, when RotaTeq was licensed, and January 31, 2007, twenty-eight cases of intussusception were reported in infants who received RotaTeq in the U.S. Sixteen of the 28 infants required hospitalization and surgery on their intestine.
In February, 2008, the FDA issued a warning that there was a 'statistically signficant increase in pneumonia-related deaths and seizures' associated with the other vaccine for rotavirus infection.[5] To reduce the risk of pneumonia, doctors promote the pneumococcal vaccine, Prevnar®. A side effect of Prevnar, as listed in the package insert, is ear infections, increasing the use of antibiotics. The many rounds of antibiotics required to treat recurring ear infections can cause serious bowel problems, leading to blood tests and evaluations by the pediatric gastroenterologist. The cause of all these additional problems is rarely indentified as a side effect of a vaccination. All of this can result from a Rotarix or a RotaTeq shot, given to avoid a common infection that most children contract, and recover from uneventfully, by the time they are three years of age.
Another example is the hepatitis B vaccine, given at birth, can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and dyspepsia (a condition associated with gnawing or burning stomach pain and persistent vomiting). Tiny children receive x-rays, undergo procedures such as endoscopy, and are given adult medications such as Prilosec® or Nexium® to resolve their discomfort. Unfortunately, since the dyspepsia is not recognized as a vaccine side effect, additional dosages of the hepatitis B vaccine are administered, often compounding the problem.Vaccines are the bedrock of expanded illnesses, skyrocketing medical costs and exponential drug sales. But it is more than individual vaccines that are cause for concern. The sheer number of vaccines children now receive between birth and six years of age is staggering and include: Diphtheria (a rare throat infection), pertussis, and tetanus (the DTaP shot); Haemophilus influenza type b (the Hib vaccine); measles, mumps, and rubella (the MMR shot); pneumococcus (the Prevnar vaccine); polio (three strains); rotavirus (five strains); and individual vaccines for hepatitis A, hepatitis B, chickenpox, and meningitis. Flu shots (three strains) are now given annually, beginning at six months of age. That adds up to 113 vaccine antigens by kindergarten given in about 33 shots. Parents are becoming wary of the many needles being jabbed into their precious babies at the tender age of two, four and six months. In response, the drug companies are combining several vaccines into a single injection. Comvax (hepatitis B and HiB), ProQuad (MMR and chickenpox), Pediarix (DTaP, polio and hepatitis B) and two newly approved vaccines, Kinrix (DTaP and polio) and Pentacel (DTaP, polio and HiB) have been developed. Parents are deceived into believing that the combination shots are fewer vaccines; they are not: The number of jabs is reduced, but the number of antigen doses remains the same. A significant problem with the combo shots is that, in the event of an adverse reaction, there is no way to determine which component caused the problem. This eliminates the ability to refuse additional doses of a particular vaccine. The ability to make a claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation program is likewise negated. For adults who believe the days of deciding about vaccines are over because their children are now teenagers, think again: Teenagers are the new target market for the vaccine industry. Boosters are being recommended for vaccines given before five years of age and the new teen vaccines, Gardasil (for cervical cancer) and Menactra (for college-type meningitis), are being heavily marketed by doctors and the media. The additional vaccines add substantially to the total number of vaccine antigen. If little girls receive all doses of all recommended vaccines, they will have received 156 vaccine antigens and about 45 shots by middle school. Boys, not yet approved for Gardasil, receive slightly fewer: only 144 vaccine antigens and about 42 shots. Many more vaccines in the pipeline will put teens and adults in the industry crosshairs. In 2007, adult-teen vaccine sales overtook pediatric sales, the first time ever, accounting for 50.6% of all revenues. This development has been attributed to robust sales of influenza vaccines and the success of Merck's advertising to promote Gardasil for the HPV virus. Gardasil alone posted $1.5 billion in sales in 2007.[6]And yes, it's about the money. In addition to driving revenues as a loss leader, the newer vaccines are driving revenues through direct sales of expensive vaccines. According to Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News,[7]In 2007, the world market for preventive vaccines totaled $16.3 billion, up more than 38%, from $11.7 billion, in 2006. The market is predicted to increase at a compound annual rate of 13.1% during 2008. This growth rate is unheard of in other drug categories, especially since this is expected to be a challenging year for the pharmaceutical industry. Few other drug categories will see as many new product introductions and such public-policy attention. In 2007, global sales of pediatric vaccines exceeded $8.0 billion, an increase of 25.2% over 2006 sales of $6.3 billion. This high growth was due in part to continued heavy gains of Wyeth's pneumococcal vaccine, Prevnar, as well as the introduction of Merck's, RotaTeq….This will result in an overall market expansion of 14.2% per year from 2008 to 2013, with total sales reaching $18.8 billion at the end of the forecast period.
Vaccines are promoted as a way to boost the immune system. It only stands to reason that injecting multiple doses of pathogens and measureable amounts of chemicals taxes the immune system instead of enhancing it. I've observed in families who have more than one child and have chosen to vaccinate the first, but not subsequent children, the younger siblings seem to come down with fewer infections and are much healthier overall. I don't believe that's a coincidence. Preventive measures aimed at enhancing health can be incorporated into simple, lifestyle changes. Here are a few helpful suggestions:• Staying away from white (refined) sugar and opting for healthy foods and sugar-free snacks is the first step.• A high-quality, sugar-free, multi-vitamin/multi-mineral supplement is recommended for all ages, too, not just for picky eaters. • The benefit adequate sleep has on health cannot be overstated. Without adequate sleep, the body is much more susceptible to illness. Toddlers need up to 14 hours a day of sleep, but they typically get only about 10½. Children between the ages of three and six need at least 10 to 12 hours per night; between seven and twelve years of age, 10 hours; and teens and adults need at least 8 hours. Most children get far less; and parents need to enforce bed times for their children, and for themselves.• Provide your family with clean, filtered water. • Encourage regular—but not obsessive—hand washing. • Make sure to get away from the TV and the computer several hours a day to run and play outside. Exercise stimulates the immune system and has a whole cascade of positive effects.
Persons who investigate both sides of this issue rarely continue vaccinating. That speaks volumes. If you do decide to 'Say No to Vaccines,' you're not alone. Thousands of parents who have experienced first-hand the consequences of vaccination, including autism, are not looking for 'something to blame.' They are begging other parents to learn about the risks before they proceed. Learn to trust your intuitive sense and investigate the full spectrum of the vaccination issue. You'll be glad you did.

proteolytic enzymes

We have discussed earlier the major role that enzymes play in proper digestion and better absorption of nutrients, this is a substance that enhances the process very efficiently. The reports coming out are very positive. Proteolytic enzymes have tremendous healing properties. As we age our bodies do not have the proper balance of enzymes to effectively break down proteins, fats and carbs which in turn slows down out digestion allowing foods to putrefy in the gut causing a gamut of health problems. As foods are broken down more completely your cells are nourished giving you a stronger defence system to fight off the culprits stealing your health and well being!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Get the most from your vitamins

Poor bioactivity - carbonate (e.g., calcium carbonate)

oxide (e.g., magnesium oxide)

sulfate and phosphate
Acceptable bioactivity - aminoate, chelate, gluconate

Optimal bioactivity - ascorbate, citrate, fumarate, malate,

picolinate, succinate, tartrate

The easiest way to check B vit. Especially B2 and B6 look for B2 riboflavin 5-phosphate. B6 will read pyridoxine hydrochloride. Remember synthetic vitamins will tax the liver as the body is not able to use them and they need to be flushed out through our already weakened liver. The most expensive vitamin is the one that does not work!

There are many web sites to check out the source of your vitamins.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Building your defences for the cold and flu season

The cold and flu season is on its way are you ready? There are some very simple safeguards you can set in place in your home. Teaching that it’s a courtesy to cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing helps to keep germs to a minimum. Talk to your children about the importance of thoroughly washing their hands. Taking vitamin C and a good multi-vitamin can boost the immune system to fight through illness faster and more completely. Ester C is a patented formula ensuring you of maximum potency and absorbability. Setting these simple guidelines into place in your home will give you the upper hand on disease control.

Monday, September 29, 2008

How can you safeguard yourself from food borne illnesses? Taking betaine hydrochloride and pancreatic enzymes boosts your digestive system and keeps you from having to take the acid blockers that lower your resistance to e-coli and salmonella. When we are deficient in these areas acid reflux happens and our first response is to grab a Pepcid or Tums which in turn takes away the protection that was built into your body. Enzymes also help you to absorb and utilize the nutrients more efficiently and take away that bloated feeling associated with a slow digestive system.

The incredible edible egg!

The incredible edible egg! It isn’t any wonder that this slogan fits the food. For a long time eggs got a bad rap as a cause of high cholesterol. The more the egg is researched the more we find out how amazing it is. It’s one of few foods that has all of the enzymes to break it down and utilized it most completely in the body! It’s a complete protein and actually helps to disarm free radicals that try to invade your system. So let’s get crackin and whip up a delicious, nutritious meal!

Here are some simple recipes to get you started. These can be made ahead and reheated.


1 cup chopped onion
1½ Tbsp. butter
salt and pepper
2 cups grated Swiss cheese
½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
1½ tsp. unbleached flour
1 cup half-&-half
2 eggs
1 large tomato, chopped

Preheat oven to 400°. In a small skillet, sauté onion in butter. Add salt and pepper. In a medium bowl, combine Swiss cheese, Parmesan cheese, and flour. In a small bowl, beat eggs lightly and add the half-&-half. Spread onion in bottom of 9-inch pie plate. Cover with cheese mixture. Pour egg mixture over cheese. Place tomatoes on top. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes, then at 325° for 30 minutes.

Ham and Cheese Quiche

1(9-inch) pie shell
1 cup Virginia baked ham, diced
1 cup grated Mozzarella or Jack cheese
1 Tbsp. chopped fresh basil or 1 tsp.
dried basil leaves
1 Tbsp. mustard
3 eggs
¾ cup half-&-half
dash black pepper
1 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese
sliced tomatoes, for garnish
basil leaves or parsley, for garnish

Pre-bake pie shell for 5 minutes at 400°. Mix ham, cheese and basil leaves. Spread mustard on bottom of pre-baked pie shell. Sprinkle with ham-cheese mixture. Beat eggs, cream and black pepper. Pour mixture over ham and cheese in pastry shell. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake, uncovered, at 350° on middle level of oven for 30 to 35 minutes until filling is set and lightly browned. Garnish with fresh basil leaves or parsley and sliced tomatoes. Serve immediately. Serves 6.

Breakfast Pizza

1 lb. cubed ham
1 (8 oz.) tube crescent rolls
1 cup hash browns
4 cups mushrooms and onions, sautéed
1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
1 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
5 eggs
¼ cup milk
½ Tbsp. Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 350°. In a small skillet, lightly brown ham. Separate rolls and place on pizza pan with points to center. Press over bottom and up sides. Spoon ham over top. Sprinkle with hash browns, onions and mushrooms; top with Ched­dar and Mozzarella cheeses. Beat eggs and milk together. Pour over all and top with Parmesan cheese. Bake for approximately one hour.

Broccoli Quiche

4 slices bacon
4 eggs
1 cup half-&-half
1 cup grated Swiss cheese
2 cups broccoli flowerets
¼ tsp. sea salt
⅛ tsp. garlic powder
⅛ tsp. lemon pepper

Preheat oven to 350°. Cook bacon until crisp, set aside. Beat eggs with half-&-half and Swiss cheese. Stir in broccoli, salt, garlic pow­der and lemon pepper. Crumble bacon. Stir half of crumbled bacon into egg mixture. Pour mixture into a 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 350° for 30 to 35 minutes or until a knife inserted halfway between center and edge comes out clean. Top with remaining bacon. Makes 4 servings.
Spinach Quiche

1 (10 oz.) package frozen chopped spinach
¾ cup half-&-half
3 oz. cream cheese
1 cup Colby-Jack cheese, grated
6 eggs
1 T. Kick’n Chicken
1 Tbsp. unbleached flour
1 Tbsp. butter, melted
1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell

Preheat oven to 350°. In a large mixing bowl beat together spinach, half-&-half, cream cheese, Colby-Jack cheese, eggs, Kick’n chicken flour, and butter. Let set for 5 min­utes. Pour into unbaked pie shell. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes. Place on wire rack and let cool for 5 minutes. Cut into wedges. Great brunch with fruit and muffin

Saturday, September 27, 2008

What are we really getting with white flour and sugar? Maybe the better questions is what are we losing! Wheat has 25 nutrients removed in the refining process that turns it into white flour. Only 4 of these nutrients are replaced, iron which in many cases is an unabsorbable source, B1, B2 and B3. On average, 87% of the essential minerals zinc, chromium, and manganese are lost. White sugar goes through 13 chemical processes which strip it of 90% of the vitamins and minerals, all the enzymes and natural molasses which helps our bodies to break down and utilize the sugars more efficiently. You are left with only sweet! Without these vitamins and minerals our metabolism becomes inefficient, contributing to poor energy and weight control problems. Buying whole grain flour and raw sugar gives back what nature intended.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Are we consuming too much sugar? In one year the average American consumes 100# of refined sugar! Sugar is hidden in so many of the processed foods we are eating. Some of the ways sugar can ruin your health is by suppressing your immune system, causing kidney damage, hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties and crankiness in our children. If that list is not enough to reevaluate our habits, go on line to and check out my blog to get the rest of the story!

How destructive is simple sugar?

78 Ways Sugar Can Ruin Your Health
In addition to throwing off the body’s homeostasis, excess sugar may result in a
number of other significant consequences. The following is a listing of some of
sugar’s metabolic consequences from a variety of medical journals and other
scientific publications.
1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
2. Sugar can upset the body’s mineral balance.
3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, concentration difficulties, and
crankiness in children.
4. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
5. Sugar can adversely affect children’s school grades.
6. Sugar can produce a significant rise in triglycerides.
7. Sugar contributes to a weakened defense against bacterial infection.
8. Sugar can cause kidney damage.
9. Sugar can reduce helpful high-density cholesterol (HDLs).
10. Sugar can promote an elevation of harmful cholesterol (LDLs).
11. Sugar may lead to chromium deficiency.
12. Sugar can cause copper deficiency.
13. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
14. Sugar may lead to cancer of the breast, ovaries, prostate, and rectum.
15. Sugar can cause colon cancer, with an increased risk in women.
16. Sugar can be a risk factor in gall bladder cancer.
17. Sugar can increase fasting levels of blood glucose.
18. Sugar can weaken eyesight.
19. Sugar raises the level of a neurotransmitter called serotonin, which can
narrow blood vessels.
20. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia.
21. Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
22. Sugar can raise adrenaline levels in children.
23. Sugar can increase the risk of coronary heart disease.
24. Sugar can speed the aging process, causing wrinkles and gray hair.
25. Sugar can lead to alcoholism.
26. Sugar can promote tooth decay.
27. Sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
28. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative
29. Sugar can cause a raw, inflamed intestinal tract in persons with gastric or
duodenal ulcers.
30. Sugar can cause arthritis
31. Sugar can cause asthma.
32. Sugar can cause candidiasis (yeast infection).
33. Sugar can lead to the formation of gallstones.
34. Sugar can lead to the formation of kidney stones.
35. Sugar can cause ischemic heart disease.
36. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
37. Sugar can exacerbate the symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
38. Sugar can indirectly cause hemorrhoids.
39. Sugar can cause varicose veins.
40. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraception
41. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
42. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
43. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
44. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
45. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
46. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.
47. Sugar can increase total cholesterol.
48. Sugar can increase systolic blood pressure.
49. Sugar can change the structure of protein causing interference with
protein absorption.
50. Sugar causes food allergies.
51. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
52. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
53. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
54. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
55. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
56. Sugar can cause cataracts.
57. Sugar can cause emphysema.
58. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
59. Sugar can cause free radical formation in the bloodstream.
60. Sugar lowers the enzymes’ ability to function.
61. Sugar can cause loss of tissue elasticity and function.
62. Sugar can cause liver cells to divide, increasing the size of the liver.
63. Sugar can increase the amount of fat in the liver.
64. Sugar can increase kidney size and produce pathological changes in the
65. Sugar can overstress the pancreas, causing damage.
66. Sugar can increase the body’s fluid retention.
67. Sugar can cause constipation.
68. Sugar can cause myopia (nearsightedness).
69. Sugar can compromise the lining of the capillaries.
70. Sugar can cause hypertension.
71. Sugar can cause headaches, including migraines.
72. Sugar can cause an increase in delay, alpha and theta brain waves,
which can alter the mind’s ability to think clearly.
73. Sugar can cause depression.
74. Sugar can increase insulin responses in those consuming high-sugar
diets compared to low sugar diets.
75. Sugar increases bacterial fermentation in the colon.
76. Sugar can cause hormonal imbalance.
77. Sugar can increase blood platelet adhesiveness which increases risk of
blood clots.
78. Sugar increases the risk of Alzheimer Disease.

Monday, September 22, 2008


At my highest weight of 186, I could consume a box of Ding Dongs and three or four Pepsi Colas in nothing flat. I craved it. I was hypoglycemic. Simply put, I had too much insulin so I felt the effects of low blood sugar crisis. Feeling weak and anxious, or having a headache, I would reach for a quick fix of processed junk foods which can provide an almost euphoric feeling, but which throws the body into unhealthy cycles. For me, consuming a green drink leveled out my insulin so I controlled the hunger and cravings instead of them controlling me. Then I was able make wise choices for meals and snacks.
Hypoglycemia, the culprit behind the sugar cravings! So many are unaware that this is why they cannot get disciplined to leave the simple sugars alone. Your body will scream for sweets day and night if you do not get this under control. It is a cycle that is hard to break because it’s an adrenaline rush for the system when sugar is ingested. Drinking barley, oat and wheat grass (green drink) helps the body to curb the cravings allowing you to gain control and begin to consume what the body needs to put you on the road to better health.

The benefits of flaxsed

It may be tiny, but it’s mighty: The flax seed carries one of the biggest nutrient payloads on the planet. And while it’s not technically a grain, it has a similar vitamin and mineral profile to grains, while the amount of fiber, antioxidants, and Omega-3 fatty acids in flax leaves grains in the dust. Additionally, flax seed is very low in carbohydrates, making it ideal for people who limit their intake of starches and sugars. And its combination of healthy fat and high fiber content make it a great food for weight loss and maintenance -- many dieters have found that flax seed has been a key to keeping them feeling satisfied.
Flax Seed Nutrition
Yes, flax seed is high in most of the B vitamins, magnesium, and manganese, but this little seed is just getting started. There are three additional nutrient groups which flax seed has in abundance, and each has many benefits.Flax seed is Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are a key force against inflammation in our bodies. Mounting evidence shows that inflammation plays a part in many chronic diseases including heart disease, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and even some cancers. This inflammation is enhanced by having too little Omega-3 intake (such as in fish, flax, and walnuts), especially in relation to Omega-6 fatty acid intake (in such oils as soy and corn oil). In the quest to equalize the ratio of these two kinds of oils, flax seed can be a real help. Most of the oil in flax seeds is alpha linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is an Omega-3 which is a precursor to the fatty acids found in salmon and other fatty cold-water fish (called EPA and DHA). Because not everyone is able to easily convert ALA into EPA and (especially) DHA, it is best not to rely solely on flax for your Omega-3 intake, but ALA also has good effects of its own, and definitely helps in the Omega 3/6 balance. Flax Seed is High in Fiber: You’d be hard-pressed to find a food higher in fiber -- both soluble and insoluble -- than flax. This fiber is probably mainly responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effects of flax. Fiber in the diet also helps stabilize blood sugar, and, of course, promotes proper functioning of the intestines. Phytochemicals: Flax seed is high in phytochemicals, including many antioxidants. It is perhaps our best source of lignans, which convert in our intestines to substances which tend to balance female hormones. There is evidence that lignans may promote fertility, reduce peri-menopausal symptoms, and possibly help prevent breast cancer. In addition, lignans may help prevent Type 2 diabetes.Note that a) flax seeds need to be ground to make the nutrients available (otherwise they just “pass through”) and b) flax seed oil alone contains neither the fiber nor the phytochemicals of whole flax seed meal.
Flax Seed Safety and Side Effects
Concerns about flax seed revolve around four potential issues. However, remember that a lot of research about the wonders of flax show little or no problems from eating it –- to the contrary, it has shown many benefits.
Big Fiber Load: Since flax has such a high fiber content, it's best to start with a small amount and increase slowly, otherwise cramping and a "laxative effect" can result. People with irritable bowel syndrome may have an especially strong reaction to it, and should be extra-careful. More about fiber, including tips to prevent problems.
Oxidation/Rancidity: The oil in flax is highly unsaturated. This means that it is very prone to oxidation (rancidity) unless it is stored correctly. The very best way is nature’s own storage system – within the seed. Flax seeds not exposed to large amounts of heat stay safe to eat for at least a year. However, flax meal, and especially flax oil, are a different story. The meal, stored away from heat and light, will keep fresh for a few months, and the oil must be protected by refrigeration in dark containers, preferably being consumed within a few weeks of opening.Actually, the surprising thing about flax is not that the oils go rancid, but that they don’t go rancid as quickly as we would think, considering how unsaturated they are. The oils are quite stable when the seeds are used in baked foods, for example. Researchers theorize that this is due to the high levels of antioxidants in the seeds. Hormonal Effects: Lignans contain phytoestrogens. Although research has shown them to be beneficial so far, it is unknown what effect high doses of phytoestrogens might have. Cyanide: Like many other foods (cashews, some beans, and others), flax contains very small amounts of cyanide compounds, especially when consumed raw. Heat, especially on dry flax seeds, breaks these compounds down. However, our bodies have a capacity to neutralize a certain amount of these compounds, and the US government agencies say that 2 tablespoons of flaxseed (~3 T of flax meal) is certainly safe and is probably an “effective dose” for health purposes. Various researchers who have used up to 6 daily tablespoons of the seed in different studies indicate that the amount they were using was safe.

This is from an excerpt from from Laura Dolson
There is a lot more information at this web site to better understand health and nutrition

The benefits of flaxseed

Fight inflammation the natural way! Swelling in the body causes so many problems, from bone spurs to coronary disease to arthritis. Ground flax seed in your diet will help ease the swelling and take away the pain associated in these areas. Best results are found when grinding the seeds fresh which keeps the oils from getting rancid. Using a simple coffee grinder you can add this flavorful seed to cereal, salad or just in drink it down with 100% fruit juice. The results are amazing! See my blog at for more on the wonders of this tiny but mighty seed.

Dr. shortage!

A doctor shortage is on its way according to the front page of September 9th USA Today! What can we do to get our family ready for this challenge? As we learn to watch the things that we are eating and drinking we will feel a renewed sense of balance and well being! Teaching our families about proper hygiene, a diet of whole live foods, a good mulit vitamin and returning to the water that our bodies are thirsting for will put us back in charge of our grocery and medical budgets. Going back to using the medical system only for emergencies, and learning the basics for good health will restore your confidence as dr mom.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


There seems to be two groups of people today- the ones who go to great lengths to protect themselves from the toxic world we live in and the ones who say “something is going to get me so I’ll just live for today and hey whatever!” What if you could bring a balance to those mindsets and live in the wisdom the Lord has called us to? What if doing some simple detox’s could keep our system balanced and help us to stay more alert, level our moods and ward off the bugs that tend to infiltrate our work space and homes? Research bentonite clay- it comes in many forms and is called the ant of detoxification. It can carry out 100x its weight in toxins. In my recent studies on nutrition I have found heavy metals, which are coming at us from many different directions, are wreaking havoc with our cells. Since all disease is cellular malfunction, only when our cells are compromised does our immune system go down. As good stewards of our body and mind, let’s do all we can as the Lord gives wisdom and understanding to keep our bodies running at optimal performance!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Learning to read labels

There is amazing freedom in learning to read food labels. Once you have established your, “I will not go there” list, you are saved from a plethora of unnecessary calories. Many items have gone right back on the shelf as I read through the list of ingredients, saving me many unwanted calories and possibly a head ache due to additives and preservatives. Things to avoid are hydrogenated oils, monosodium glutamate, corn syrup and corn syrup solids, artificial flavor and color, BHT, vitamin A palmatate, aspartame, asulfame K. These are the main culprits in throwing your system into a tailspin. Actually shopping the perimeter of the grocery store is your best bet. Big dollars and empty calories lurk in the center isles of the grocery store. Produce, meat and dairy should be the main fare as you peruse the store. This takes a lot less time and money as you shop. As we learn to save time and money in the store we have more time to prepare those delicious and nutritious meals that will give us and our family optimum nutrition
For fun and easy recipes go to kitchen page click on recipes

Diet is a four letter word

Diet is a four letter word! I have tried almost everyone you can imagine. Since there is no way you can live on the restrictions of a diet for long periods of time as soon as you return to your former eating habits, the weight returns. As the pounds and frustrations set in, you will find yourself adopting another fad diet, hence the term yo-yo dieting. We need to establish permanent life style. It is easier than any diet you will ever attempt. Simply begin by writing down everything you eat for a week or two. You will be amazed by the empty calories that sneak in unnoticed. Now begin to weed out the stuff you can live without. Going back to the basics is always a great place to start. Water should be our main beverage, that is simple. Breakfast does not have to take a ton of time. A good whole grain cereal, or perhaps muffins that were made the night before and a small glass of 100% juice. Starting your day on the right foot nutritionally will make the rest of the day run much smoother

Bad habits

Bad habits rob us of our joy and peace! 15 years ago confined to a recliner my emotions were all over the place, I was in constant pain and miserable! When I started my own household, I threw the eating habits that I had grown up with out the window. Whole foods where exchanged for quick processed foods. Water was exchanged for soda and dessert was Hostess Ding Dongs. A friend came to visit and was astounded to see a once vital woman in this shape. The corn syrup solids that I had been consuming at a startling rate had gummed up my colon causing a myriad of problems. We needed to start cleansing immediately. By the end of the first week the lower back pain was all but gone. By the end of the third week my energy level was returning and the changes over the following 8 months were nothing short of a miracle. The positive and upbeat me was back and it felt great! Lifestyle change not diet is the answer. Learning to read labels and understanding your cravings will release a powerful new you. Making some simple changes in choices will radically change your life for the better.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Do I need vitamin supplements?

So many ask the question, "If I am eating 'well', do I still need vitamins?"
Here are some interesting statistics:
  • On any one day, an estimated 45% of people don't consume any fruit or juice and 22% don't eat any vegetables.
  • Less than 10% consume the recommended 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • Only a third of the population consumes foods from all the food groups on a typical day, with less than 3% consuming foods from all the food groups in at least the recommended amount.
  • Many diets contain half the recommended amount of magnesium and folic acid; as many as 80% of women who exercise may be iron-deficient; and their average calcium intake is 636 mg per day (2/3 the RDA).
  • 71% of males and 90% of females consume less than the 1980 recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamin B6.
  • The average calcium intake of teenage girls resembles that necessary for 3-5 year olds.

So where do you fit into this equation? Are you eating even close to the RDA standards? If not, do you need supplementation? What are the best supplements? What happens when you are deficient? Those are questions we answer next time....

Thursday, May 01, 2008

How to change cravings and begin to eat healthy!

So many of you are trying to eat a healthier diet but I hear in the background about so many cravings. If you cleanse the pallet and change your insulin output for a short concentrated period of time you can reverse the pattern in your life of cravings and sugar highs and lows.

Doing the lemonade diet is one way to help this process. If you can do it for 3 to 5 days those processed foods and diet sodas will no longer be appealing to the taste buds. Respond to that and do not force it until it does taste good again out of habit. Beginning to eliminate those things from your diet will now be easier.

Our bodies are so smart, they will tell us what is good for us and what is not. We we simply must take time to listen. It is the same with the Holy Spirit: respond when you are prompted in your heart and mind. Habits that have gripped us for years will fall to the wayside. There is great freedom in living this disciplined life.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Water is Essential

Our bodies are made up of 32 to 42 quarts of water.

Fluids such as soda, coffee, or alcohol tend to dehydrate the body. When we drink these, we compromise our systems which need good fluids to do their jobs efficiently.

For example, the lymphatic carries white blood cells that fight disease and germs that get into the body. It cannot do its job properly if it is robbed of much-needed fluids.

We need to consume at least 64 ounces of water per day to keep our systems operating at peak performance.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Binge Eating

I had to learn what triggered binge eating for me.

At my highest weight of 186, I could consume a box of Ding Dongs and three or four Pepsi Colas in nothing flat. I craved it. I was hypoglycemic. Simply put, I had too much insulin so I felt the effects of low blood sugar crisis. Feeling weak and anxious, or having a headache, I would reach for a quick fix of processed junk foods which can provide an almost euphoric feeling, but which throws the body into unhealthy cycles.

For me, consuming a green drink leveled out my insulin so I controlled the hunger and cravings instead of them controlling me. Then I was able make wise choices for meals and snacks.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Fats are a huge controversy in our culture today.

In our stores, the shelves are inundated with low-fat, no-fat alternatives – yet people battle more than ever with weight gain. Why? Read labels. Regular sour cream for example contains about 3 ingredients, all of which are natural. Low fat has about 12-15 ingredients. No fat can have more than 20!

Low fat foods contain more sugar than the regular version. They add extra sugar to replace the good taste that fat offers. The problem is that eating excess carbohydrates, especially the wrong kinds, stimulates the body’s fat storage.

Monday, March 31, 2008

One Smart Cookie

A good homemade treat is much more substantial than a store-bought one.

Look at the ingredients on the package of your favorite cookies. I’d bet you can’t pronounce half of them! These are the ingredients that can cause food allergies. They also cause addictions to simple carbs. The more we get, the more our bodies crave!

A homemade cookie is made of butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, baking soda and a good chocolate chip. Stay away from artificially flavored chips which usually have waxes and a long list of additives. One good cookie can satisfy the sweet tooth if we allow ourselves to enjoy the moment instead of just quickly gulping it down.

Less is more when dealing in whole foods!

Click here for the best Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe. ============================================
Click here for a super Monster Cookie recipe. ============================================

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Power of Whole Foods

When the Power Team was here, we saw for ourselves that whole foods will fill you up more efficiently. I packed their lunches for the week, and I can tell you that the first day they kind of freaked out!

They were each used to 2 or 3 sandwiches on white bread with lunch meats. Instead, I gave them one and a half sandwiches consisting of 2 thick slices of homemade oatmeal bread, 1/3 of a pound of real meat (sliced beef or oven-roasted turkey), Romaine lettuce, cheese and tomato. A bag of whole grain chips and a good homemade cookie finished off the meal.

They all were surprised at how satisfied they were! Whole foods are filling foods!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Let's Talk Fats!

We have been conditioned to believe that dietary fats are the primary culprit in our fight with obesity. The answer lies in a hormone called insulin. Insulin is essential to life in proper amounts, but detrimental when produced in excess. Approximately 75% of Americans produce too much of this hormone when they eat a diet of refined foods and simple carbohydrates.

Both complex and simple carbohydrates turn into glucose (blood sugar) once they enter the bloodstream. Simple carbs cause a very quick rise in blood sugar and trigger the pancreas to rapidly release insulin. Its main task is to convert glucose to glycogen (the stored form of sugar), which is typically stored in the liver. When carbs are consumed in excess, especially simple and refined, some are used immediately for energy and some are stored as glycogen. Since only 2,000 calories can be stored as glycogen in the body at a time, the excess is stored as fat. As long as the body continues to get a steady supply of carbs for energy, it will be not need to tap into the fat-storage to utilize fat as an alternative form of fuel. This is why eating a diet that consists of mostly simple carbs makes weight loss very difficult.

We are in a no-fat, low-fat mindset, yet have more and more difficulties losing weight. Why? Regular sour cream, for instance, has about three ingredients! Low-fat contains about 10-12 ingredients, mostly adding flavor with sugar. Fat-free contains 20-23 different ingredients adding many chemicals with the sugar. This taxes the pancreas and the liver as to how to break all this down to utilize it most efficiently.

Remember this train of thought: the closer to God-made the better for the body, the closer to man-made the more difficult for the body to break it down and use it to our best advantage.
Therefore, butter not margarine; regular, not no-fat or low-fat; non-hydrogenated oil and little to no preservatives and additives are going to make your body run most efficiently.

People are under the faulty thinking that artificial sweeteners (aspartame, saccharine, sucralose) are a dieter's dream. Dr. Sandra Cabot, a medical doctor for 23 years states, "There are logical reasons to explain the fattening and bloating effects of aspartame. The liver metabolizes aspartame to its toxic components- phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. This process requires a lot of energy from the liver which means there will be less energy remaining in the liver cells. This means the liver cells will have less energy for fat burning and metabolism which will result in fat storing. Excess fat may build up inside the liver cells causing 'fatty liver' and when this starts to occur it's extremely difficult to lose weight. Aspartame also causes weight gain by causing unstable blood sugar levels which increase the appetite and cravings for sweets and sugars. Thus it is particularly toxic for those with diabetes or epilepsy…it causes fluid retention, giving the body a puffy and bloated appearance and increasing cellulite.

Being a heavy diet coke drinker, I was challenged by a doctor back inthe 80's to get off of it due to memory loss. I lost 10 pounds almost instantly due to swelling. God has created us in such an amazing way. In a very short period of time of giving my body the nutrients that it needed and taking away the over-abundance of chemicals, my memory returned along with many other benefits. A renewed vitality and determination to become a healthier me had begun!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Liver & Gallbladder Flush

Cleansing the liver and gallbladder dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.

It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to 1.5 quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliarytubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine.

For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified a prerequisite for visibility on an X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Other stones are composites- made of many smaller ones- showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse.

At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming.

As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels rise.

1/2 Cup Olive Oil Extra Virgin
1 Big grapefruit (2 small) (Or 3 lemons)
4 tablespoon EPSOM salts
3 cups water

Choose a day like Friday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day.

Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones.

2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 (three fourths) cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only).

6:00 PM. Drink one serving ¾ cup of the ice cold Epsom salts. You may add 1/8 (one eight) tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up.

8:00 PM. Repeat by drinking another ¾ cup of Epsom salts. You haven't eaten since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success.

9:45 PM. Pour 1/2 (half) cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Wash grapefruit twice in hot water and dry; squeeze by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least 1/2 (half) cup, more (up to 3/4 (three fourths) cup) is best. You may use part lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this).

Now visit the bathroom one or more time, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. You will get fewer stones.

10:00 PM. Sip a little water and take capsules that help you to sleep, something with valerian and 4 capsules specifically for liver function, with milk thistle and dandelion root. Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don't.

Next morning. Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion before 6:00 am. 2 Hours Later. Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. You may go back to bed again.

Ginger Bath

If you want a real treat, try a ginger bath. It is marvelous!

I like to take one before going to bed because I sleep so incredibly well. I always do, but the ginger bath cleanses the body (internally as well as externally) and relaxes you. I wake up feeling so relaxed and so great. Make yourself a cup of hot detox tea. You also may want to line your bed with towels to absorb the sweat.

To take a ginger bath, put approximately 1/4 cup of ginger (either grated or powder from the supermarket) running tap. Add ½ cup Epsom salts and run pretty warm water in at first and get in the tub. Once in the tub, let enough hot water run in to make the water pretty hot. Lie back and relax or read for about 20 minutes.

When I'm not going to read, I like to light a candle and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. After the 20 minutes or so, get out of the tub, wrap up in a large towel or sheet that is cotton and crawl into the bed and cover up with your bedcovers. Try not to uncover yourself for the entire hour. If you get to warm simply put out your foot or hand for a short time then back in again. You will usually sweat for approximate an hour. After the hour is up I like to take a shower, however if you are feeling too relaxed just roll over and go to sleep!

This method really helps sweat toxins out of your body.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Never Say Diet

Diet is a four-letter-word that needs to be exterminated from our vocabulary! Remove the ‘T’ and you have DIE. That is what we do to our bodies when we jump from one diet to another.

I lived that cycle back in the 80’s and 90’s. I tried and failed them all. So what worked?

Finding a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle of nutrition. Eating whole foods and eliminating the processed foods that are high in empty calories.

Check back soon and I’ll show you how you can do it too!

Monday, March 03, 2008

The Healthy Body

All disease and sickness happen due to deficiency and toxicity within the body.

In an office or home, everyone will be exposed to germs, viruses and bacteria, but only those whose systems are deficient or toxic will develop a full blown illness. Even if you end up with a mild cold or flu, the body that is properly nourished can bounce back quickly. This is why it is important to continually fuel your body with healthy foods and to occasionally cleanse your body of toxins.

Check back soon for more information on NUTRITION and CLEANSES.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Story

For years I struggled with my weight and the many health issues that go along with being overweight. I had horrible eating habits and food cravings that always seemed to win. At my heaviest of 186 pounds, I had constant back aches and my back kept going out on me. A friend came to visit and challenged me to better health and nutrition to help the problem. At first I laughed at her suggestions and then I got angry. I thought, “What is all of this saying about me?” Then I decided that I felt so horrible I had nothing to lose.

That was the beginning of an incredible journey --a tough one, but a rewarding one! I began to pray for God's wisdom like never before in this area of my life. I needed discipline and a new understanding of what a healthy lifestyle was all about. The more I dug in and applied what I read, the more the pounds dropped off and my energy and vitality returned. In the shape I was in back then I could never have done the job I am doing now at FLM. Twenty years later, I have more stamina than before and a passion to help others who are searching to find the healthy way of life.

As I share with you week to week, I hope you are challenged, encouraged and motivated to start your road to optimum health. Hang on and let’s go!