Friday, March 14, 2008

Ginger Bath

If you want a real treat, try a ginger bath. It is marvelous!

I like to take one before going to bed because I sleep so incredibly well. I always do, but the ginger bath cleanses the body (internally as well as externally) and relaxes you. I wake up feeling so relaxed and so great. Make yourself a cup of hot detox tea. You also may want to line your bed with towels to absorb the sweat.

To take a ginger bath, put approximately 1/4 cup of ginger (either grated or powder from the supermarket) running tap. Add ½ cup Epsom salts and run pretty warm water in at first and get in the tub. Once in the tub, let enough hot water run in to make the water pretty hot. Lie back and relax or read for about 20 minutes.

When I'm not going to read, I like to light a candle and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere. After the 20 minutes or so, get out of the tub, wrap up in a large towel or sheet that is cotton and crawl into the bed and cover up with your bedcovers. Try not to uncover yourself for the entire hour. If you get to warm simply put out your foot or hand for a short time then back in again. You will usually sweat for approximate an hour. After the hour is up I like to take a shower, however if you are feeling too relaxed just roll over and go to sleep!

This method really helps sweat toxins out of your body.

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