Saturday, August 15, 2009

The dangers of consuming soda

The more children drink soda the less they drink water, 100% juice or milk. Soda dehydrates the body so there is a constant thirst but the more soda you drink the less your taste buds will crave the water your body is needing. The facts are in and the adds are very geared toward teenagers and they are drinking it in (no pun intended).
Soda's are the root cause of headaches, ADHD, ADD, cavities, obesity and huge health problems not only in our children but in adults. Soda used to be for special events only and the health implications were minimal. However those numbers are flipping and soda is the drink of choice. Is it any wonder we are seeing such an increase in childhood onset diabetes? Heart problems in those between 40-50 rather than in your 70's? Pilots have been taken off the docket to fly if they have consumed diet soda due to the seizures that were being seen.
The list of side affects from diet soda is even longer that it's sugary counter part. Migraines, seizures, tumors, memory loss, tremors, and the list goes on an on. The FDA says that only a small percentage of our population are affected by the artificial sweetener, especially those who have a PKU problem. That is a condition where your body does not use proteins properly. Do you know if you are one of those who could have a pre-existing health problem that is exacerbated by the use of these sugar substitutes? Most patients who come in with these problems had no idea that they were at risk until they have major diseases to deal through.
The answer is simple and very inexpensive! DRINK WATER and set a great example for your children while you save your self thousands in medical bills down the road.

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